This step-by-step guide will walk you through how to effectively use Share of Search to anticipate brand growth and make smarter, data-driven decisions.
Learn to use Share of Search reports to predict market share. Our guide shows you how to analyze search volume relative to competitors and inform your strategy.
Share of Search is a metric to measure brand strength by comparing the share of the total search volume on Google for brands within the same category. Learn more in this deep dive.
Learn how to calculate and measure Share of Search for any brand using Google Trends and a bit of simple data manipulation in Google Sheets or Excel.
Learn how Share of Search (SoS) can provide insights into your brand's performance and growth potential. Discover the connection between SoS and Market Share.
Share of Voice is a classic metric that marketers has loved for decades. But how relevant is it in the digital age and what differences and similarities are there to Share of Search?
Share of Search can be an important metric to use when evaluating marketing campaign performance, especially if the main objective is to increase your brand strength.