Yearly (save 20%)
billed yearly
billed yearly
billed yearly
Can I try Branquo for free?
Of course! All our plans have a 14 day free trial where you get access to all the features and functionality of your chosen plan.
If you want to try out Branquo without choosing a plan, you can test it out with limited functionality right here.
Is my trial automatically extended?
No. When you create an account and start a trial, you choose the product you want to trial but there's no credit card required. After 14 days, your account's access is restricted. To continue using Branquo you simply add a payment method. If you decide it's not for you, you don't have to do anything.
What is a dashboard?
A dashboard is a saved Share of Search report containing visualizations and reports around your results. It's a great way to continuously follow up on your Share of Search results. It includes Share of Search over time, search volume over time and total Share of Search. You can also export your results to CSV.
What is an email recipient?
Each dashboard you create can have email notifications enabled. This means that you'll get a weekly email with the latest updates from your dashboard. Each dashboard can have multiple recipients, depending on your chosen plan.
What data do you base your calculations on?
We use Google's keyword planner data. This means we base our Share of Search calculations on Google's own reported search volumes.